Robert I, popularly known as Robert the Bruce was King of Scotland from 1306 to his death in 1329. Robert led Scotland during the First war of Scottish independence against England. Robert did his best to save his country against the powerful English army, but he failed, he lost several battles. One day when everything seemd lost, he sat alone in a cave, he was totally discouraged, but then se saw a little spider, trying to build a web from one side of the cave to the other, the spider fell several times but never gave up, and finally succeed in building a web from one side of the cave to the other. This little spider changed King Robert’s state of mind; if this little spider could persevere, so could he. He decided to try one more time, and this time he was successful and won a great battle, he saved his country. He fought successfully to restore Scotland to an independent kingdom and is regarded in Scotland as a national hero. The apostles also knew discouragement, they were very afraid and desillusioned, when they heard that Jesus was going to Jerusalem and there he would die on the cross. Jesus knew that they needed some encouragement, so he decided to give them something they would always remember when times got very tough. So He brought Peter, James and John up the mountain, and for a few moments, he was transfigured, his figure was replendant, radiant and glorious, they had never seen him like this before; and He was joined by Moses, who represents the law, and Elias, who represents the prophets; now they were filled with such hope and courage that they wanted to stay there. We too have our moments of discouragement, when we try very hard and see no results. When these moments occur, we should close our eyes, and feel the presence of Jesus, and hear his words when he says: “I am with you always, even in your darkest moments”. Also we should help others wo are in these moments. There are two types of people around today, drains and radiators. People who are drains are always critical, judgmental, pulling down complaining, being negative, there draining you. I read a phrase recently, which was from Albert Einstein: “Stay away from negative people they have a problem for every solution”. We have other people who are radiators, it is a joy to be around them, they are optimistic, encouraging uplifting; When we are in deep communion with God our lives become a radiator, they radiate light and beauty. In the light of this gospel let us ask oursleves: am I a drain or a radiator?