Blog Posts

Solemnity of Mary Mother of God 1st. January 20233

Published on December 31, 2022
When we see the crib at Christmas time, and when we contemplate the shepherds, they are usually very poor, attractive, respectable people, carrying their little lambs; but history tells us […]

Christmas Day 2022

Published on December 24, 2022
Some of you may have heard the ad for Barry’s tea on the radio when a young boy tells his grandad early Christmas morning “you’ll never guess what Santa brought”. […]

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Published on December 17, 2022
We often see how history has a tendency to repeat itself. Recently I was listening to a commentary about Syria and one commentator ironically said we’ve been here before with […]

Third Sunday of Advent

Published on December 10, 2022
We all love certainty and sometimes we have our doubts.  There are things we want to know, things we need to know but we do not know. This can be […]

Second Sunday of Advent

Published on December 5, 2022
Many years ago in Paris there was a boy called Paul Claudel, He was from a very good family and he was very intelligent. He was also nominally a catholic,  […]

First Sunday of Advent 2022

Published on November 26, 2022
Rip Van Winkle, a Dutch American man with a habit of avoiding useful work, lives in a village at the foot of New York’s Catskill mountains in the years before the American Revolution. […]

Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on October 29, 2022
One of the disadvantages of social media is that it turns us all into spectators, onlookers, and bystanders. It’s very easy to pass judgement by posting something on Facebook or […]

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on October 22, 2022
One of the dreams and desires of many Christians is to visit the Holy Land and retrace the footsteps of the life of Jesus Christ. One of the central buildings […]

Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on October 15, 2022
I remember reading a story about a young high school teacher named Mary. She wanted so much to succeed as a teacher. But a student named Bill was turning her […]

Twenty Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on October 8, 2022
Several years ago, a Chicago High school student went to Nicaragua during his summer vacation to do volunteer work. He accompanied a medical team to a tiny mountain village. Life […]