Blog Posts

Second Sunday of Advent

Published on December 9, 2023
Many years ago in Paris there was a boy called Paul Claudel, He was from a very good family and he was very intelligent. He was also nominally a catholic,  […]

First Sunday of Advent 2023

Published on December 2, 2023
Thomas John Barnardo (4 July 1845 – 19 September 1905) was an Irish-born, Christian philanthorpist and founder and director of homes for poor and deprived children. From the foundation of the first Bernardo’s […]

Thirty Second Sunday in ordinary time – A

Published on November 11, 2023
We often use the word fool or foolish in our daily lives. And usually we apply it to someone else. Sometimes we have to say it to ourselves, and admit […]

Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time A

Published on November 4, 2023
Fr. Willie Doyle,   (3 March 1873 – 16 August 1917) was an  Catholic priest who was while serving as a  militiary chaplain to the Royal Dublin Fusiliers during the First World War. […]

Twenty Ninth Sunday in ordinary Time

Published on October 21, 2023
‘Give to Cesar what belongs to Cesar and to God what belongs to God’. This is one of the great one liners of Jesus in the gospel today. Ella Wilcox […]

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time – A

Published on October 28, 2023
Victor Hugo, a French poet, playwright and novelist,  writes a beautiful story of a man after being released from the galleys, after nineteen years he cannot imagine how to lead […]

Twenty Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

Published on October 14, 2023
It’s usually nice to receive a wedding invitation, especially from someone we really like.  It means a lot to us and it also shows that the person thinks highly of […]

Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time – A. October 1, 2023

Published on September 30, 2023
I remember reading a beautiful poem by the American poet, Robert Frost: “Stopping by woods on a snowy evening”. He was known for his realistic depictions of rural life. The […]

Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – A

Published on September 2, 2023
In the bible, in the book of Isaiah, we find a unique figure,  we don’t know his name he is simple called the servant.  He has the mission of briging […]

Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on August 26, 2023
Many years ago in a little village in Palestine, there lived a boy called Jesus, and he was the son of a carpenter and so he was known as the […]