Blog Posts

28th. Sunday

Published on October 15, 2018
In the gospel story today we have this beautiful story of the rich young man who approached Jesus. This is one of the great sorties in the NT and a […]

27th. Sunday of Year

Published on October 9, 2018
Our first reading today is of pivotal importance in the Bible because it lays out some of the fundamentals of the relationships between human beings, especially in marriage. The Lord […]

26th Sunday of the Year

Published on October 1, 2018
The first reading and the gospel today focus on a problem that is mentioned a lot in the Bible. This is the problem of the church becoming its own worst […]

25th Sunday of the year

Published on September 26, 2018
It’s amazing how many stories in human tradition are driven by jealousy and envy, we could look at the prominent role of jealousy in literature, some of Shakespeare’s plays (Hamlet, […]

24th Sunday of the year

Published on September 18, 2018
The second reading in our mass today reminds us of an age old debate the history of the church, of the relationship between faith and works; this was the debate […]

23rd Sunday of the year

Published on September 11, 2018
Our gospel today is taken from the great gospel according to St. Mark – Jesus healing a deaf man who has also a speech impediment. As all of these stories […]

22nd Sunday of the year

Published on September 4, 2018
Sincerity and truthfulness are two words that have often been mangled and trivialised in our modern world. When we read in the Media about the numerous revelations of corruption that […]

21st Sunday of the year

Published on August 28, 2018
One of the biggest worries for all of us, who take our faith seriously, is the amount of people falling away from the Church today. We can take heart, when […]

20th Sunday of the year

Published on August 21, 2018
Many years ago, a poor family from a tiny Yugoslavian village emigrated to the United States. It was made up of a father, a mother, a teenage boy, and four […]

19th Sunday of the year

Published on August 12, 2018
‘I’ve had enough’ – these words of Elijah in the first reading of today’s mass resonate with many of us. How many times have we said I’ve had enough? We […]