Blog Posts

The Epiphany of the Lord

Published on January 5, 2019
In todays gospel we hear the well-known story of the wise men following a star, bearing rich gifts, finding Jesus in a stable, and changing their direction as a result. […]

The Holy Family

Published on January 1, 2019
Today we are celebrating the feast of the Holy Family which in many ways is one of the most important feasts of the year; it certainly is one of the […]


Published on December 24, 2018
Paul Claudel who lived in the 19 century was a French poet, a dramatist and a diplomat. His family was a very catholic family but he was an unbeliever in […]

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Published on December 22, 2018
One of the great dreams of many people today is to own a home. Many of us here in our community are happy that we have our own home. It […]

Third Sunday of Advent

Published on December 15, 2018
Don’t worry; be happy these are the very first words of today’s mass: Be happy! Rejoice in the lord always; again I say rejoice. The Lord is near. This year […]

Second Sunday of Advent

Published on December 8, 2018
When you ask people today are they looking forward to Christmas you will get many different answers. There are many people in Ireland today and indeed in our families and […]

First Sunday of Advent

Published on December 1, 2018
When we think of Advent, Christmas immediately comes to mind, to add a spiritual dimension, we think of the birth of Jesus. Advent we could say is a ‘space’ where […]

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Published on November 24, 2018
In his book The Christian Vision, John Powell, a Jesuit, recalls an old Irish legend. It goes back to the time when kings ruled Ireland. It seems that the reigning […]

30th. Sunday

Published on October 27, 2018
The story in our gospel today is a beautiful story and is what we could call a hinge story, its right in the middle of Marks gospel and everything changes […]

29th. Sunday

Published on October 20, 2018
A woman named Ruth was walking out of church one Sunday morning. She spotted an old man struggling to put on his coat. She walked over, smiled, and gave him […]