Blog Posts

Second Sunday of Easter

Published on April 27, 2019
Our readings of the Second Sunday of Easter speak to us of 3 of the Apostles of Jesus, Peter, John and Thomas, 3 pillars of the church., a dimension of […]

31st. March

Published on March 30, 2019
This is a quick thought that was shared with me.   “Today… spend more time with people who bring out the best in you, not the strsss in you.”

8th. Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on March 2, 2019
“Do not praise a man before he has spoken, since this is the test of men”. For a man’s words flow out of what fills his heart”. These are the […]

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on February 23, 2019
If we are to take seriously today’s readings – that’s a tall order. From my years of work as a priest, I have seen that a large part of the […]

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on February 16, 2019
Ghandi had called this passage of the Beatitudes: ‘the most radical piece of social doctrine that was ever preached’. Try preaching this doctrine in the mission countries where extreme poverty […]

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on February 9, 2019
Many of us can empathise with Peter and his companions in the story of today’s Mass. They had done their best, they had fished all night but had caught nothing; […]

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on February 2, 2019
We have the great privilege this weekend because our second reading today is one of these great texts of the Bible and indeed of world literature. It is from the […]

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on January 26, 2019
Sometime we overlook the importance of the contributions of some of the Minor Prophets in the Bible. The first reading in our mass today is taken from one of these, […]

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on January 19, 2019
What happened at Cana happens sooner or later in every marriage in every family, and in our lives, the wine runs out. I read an interesting anecdote recently: a man […]

The Baptism of Our Lord

Published on January 12, 2019
Today we celebrate the great feast day of the Baptism of Our lord. It has been said that the most important day of our lives is our Baptism, the day […]