Blog Posts

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Published on July 13, 2019
One of the questions that often baffle (puzzle) us is; where is God? We all remember the answer of the catechism; God is everywhere. There are many ways of meeting […]

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on July 6, 2019
Christ sent his disciples out to help him reap the harvest. In the past we left this to the specialists, priests, nuns and religious, but we are acutely aware now […]

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Published on June 29, 2019
One of the great paradoxes of Christianity is how can we reconcile the fact that Christ has called us to be free (as St. Paul reminds us in the second […]

The Most Holy Trinity

Published on June 15, 2019
The feast day we are celebrating today has often been called the preachers nightmare. What can you say about the Holy Trinity? Saint Augustine, one of the greatest intellectual saints […]


Published on June 9, 2019
We come to the great feast of Pentecost, the great feast of the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit strengthens us in 3 different ways: In our relationship […]

The Ascension

Published on June 1, 2019
The feast day of the Ascension that we celebrate today is probably for many of us a fest day that we find it hard to understand or explain. We often […]

Sixth Sunday of Easter

Published on May 25, 2019
“Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid. You heard me say: I am going away and shall return.” The words of Jesus in the gospel today remind me […]

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Published on May 18, 2019
In the Gospel this evening we have a guiding principal summed up in one word: Love. The greatest of human realities are often summed up in the smallest of words. […]

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Published on May 13, 2019
Today is Good Shepherd Sunday and this image of the shepherd who gathers, protects, and lays down his life for his sheep is a very endearing image. This image has […]

Third Sunday of Easter

Published on May 6, 2019
As we move through the Easter Season we are reading  the Acts of the Apostles. We are all apostles, Apostle means: sent, we are sent on a mission and we […]