Blog Posts

Christ The King

Published on November 27, 2019
Some years ago divers located a 400 year old sunken ship off the coast of Northern Ireland. Among the treasures they found on the ship was a man’s wedding ring. […]

Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on November 16, 2019
This past week there has been a lot of talk about climate change and we have seen dramatic and colourful images on different programmes of what will happen in our […]

Thirty Second Sunday In Ordinary Time

Published on November 9, 2019
All the readings in today’s Mass speak to us about one of the eternal truths, namely eternal life. An old and infirm man was living in a shack on the […]

Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on November 2, 2019
One of the disadvantages of social media is that it turns us all into spectators, onlookers, and bystanders. It’s very easy to pass judgement by posting something on Facebook or […]

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on October 26, 2019
One of the dreams and desires of many Christians is to visit the Holy Land, and retrace the landmarks associated with the life of Jesus Christ. One of the central […]

26th. Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on September 28, 2019
In Ireland today we hear and see a lot of homelessness, and many times we come across homeless and poor people. In my former Parish in Borris the Parochial House […]

25th. Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Published on September 21, 2019
Story told of this wealthy person who lived in Scottish Highlands, he was richly endowed with worldly goods. Stately mansion, overlooking a beautiful valley.  There was a basic emptiness in […]

Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on September 14, 2019
The gospel today gives us three classic parables of Jesus, each one exploring the notion, which is at the heart of the spiritual life, namely that God is the one […]

Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on September 7, 2019
Discipleship is a costly business. We all know too well that to be a follower of Christ in the world today is a daunting task; sufferings, trials, temptations will be […]

Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on August 31, 2019
Some time ago in Florida the Manager of the Miami Dolphins American Football team, Don Shula was on holidays with his family in Maine. One day as it was raining […]