Blog Posts

21st. Sunday In Ordinary Time.

Published on August 29, 2020
Sometimes when we are watching a film there is a person in the film whom we don’t know who they are or what they are doing. And we are impatient […]

20th. Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Published on August 15, 2020
We all know what a beggar is; a beggar is someone who has to ask for something for nothing they can give nothing in return for what they’re asking for. […]

19th. Sunday In Ordinary Time

Published on August 14, 2020
A new PP was appointed by the Bishop to a parish; but they were not ready to accept him as their new spiritual leader. Installation coincided with the parish picnic, […]

18th. Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on August 4, 2020
One of the greatest faculties we have is our eyesight, with our eyes we can see where we are going we can read a book, we can look into the […]

17th. Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on July 25, 2020
There was a famous American author John Steinbeck who wrote many famous novels, “The Grapes of Wrath”; “Of Mice and Men”, etc. He wrote a beautiful story called the Pearl. […]

16th. Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on July 18, 2020
There’s a beautiful story told about a lovely couple who lived in Milan about 400 years ago, Lucia and Lorenzo. They were simple people and they wanted to get married, […]

15th. Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on July 18, 2020
Our gospel this weekend is St. Matthews’s version of the parable of the sower. Jesus goes down to the lake of Galilee and attracts a large number of listeners. This […]

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on July 7, 2020
Humility and simplicity are two virtues that often go together. The best model, compendium of these virtues is little children. That’s why Jesus likes so much little children. We all […]

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on July 1, 2020
Tom Brown’s School Days was a famous British novel written by Thomas Hughes. Tom Brown was a popular boy who attended a boarding school in England. He lived with about […]

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on June 20, 2020
There is the story of the little girl who was trapped in an upstairs room of her suburban home when her house caught fire. Her father was below in the […]