Blog Posts

Fifth Sunday of Lent

Published on March 20, 2021
Martin Luther King was an African American Baptist minister and activist who became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the civil rights movement from 1955 until his assasination in […]

Fourth Sunday of Lent

Published on March 13, 2021
One of the greatest dramas written by Shakespeare was Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. It tells us the story of a young man who is struggling with his life, with the […]

Third Sunday of Lent

Published on March 6, 2021
Many of us may know the story of Ulyses. He was the Greek warrior who went to the Trojan War,  and began the long journey home.  He was very anxious […]

Second Sunday of Lent

Published on February 27, 2021
There are only two parts in the four gospels where we have a record of God speaking, one is at the Baptism of Our Lord and the other is the […]

First Sunday of Lent

Published on February 20, 2021
When we read the gospel story today about Jesus entering the wilderness and being tempted by Satan, I think there is a sense of de ja vu (which means already […]

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary

Published on February 13, 2021
Hopefully we all have a life that is very fulfilling and happy but we know there are some people who have suffered a tragedy in their lives, and they are […]

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on February 6, 2021
There is a beautiful song written by Pete Seeger and sung by the Byrds in the early 50’s – To everything there is a season, and a time to every […]

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on January 30, 2021
This week it is important that we read the First Reading and the gospel together. In the first reading we hear from the 18th. Chap of the book of Deuteronomy. […]

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on January 23, 2021
One of the great spiritual leaders of our time is the Indian Jesuit Anthony de Mello. Anthony D’Mello said he felt God’s call in his teens. When he asked his […]

Second Sunday of Year

Published on January 16, 2021
Very often a book or a film begins with a story about somebody who is searching for somebody or something, a new land, a treasure, or a person.  One of […]