Blog Posts

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on January 22, 2022
Many years ago I saw a film to Sir with Love. It is a British drama film that deals with social and racial issues in an inner city school. It […]

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on January 15, 2022
Oscar Wilde wrote a beautiful story about a statue.  The statue was called the Happy Prince.  It was a beautiful statue with sapphire in place of the eyes, with a […]

The Baptism of Our Lord

Published on January 8, 2022
Flannery O’Connor was an American writer who lived in the early 20th century. She was a catholic and being born in Georgia she lived in the Bible Belt in the […]

Second Sunday after Christmas

Published on January 1, 2022
Christmas is coming to an end and before we finally end this season, we are invited once again to meditate on the true meaning of Christmas. One of the most […]

Christmas 2021

Published on December 31, 2021
I’ve always loved how the Christ child in the nativity scene is usually depicted with his arms outstretched, as if reaching out to the world. The birth of Jesus, God […]

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Published on December 18, 2021
The Russian writer Leo Tolstoy has a beautiful story about a cobbler – shoe maker – Martin, who lived in Tolstoy’s own native village.  In this story, Tolstoy develops the […]

Third Sunday of Advent

Published on December 11, 2021
On a crisp clear morning over 100 years ago, in 1914,  thousands of British, Belgian and French soldiers, put down their rifles, stepped out of their trenches, and spent Chrismtas […]

Second Sunday of Advent

Published on December 4, 2021
Celebrating Christmas after listening to the new restrictions announced by our government yesterday, seems like a contradiction in terms. I Think it is fair to say that many of us […]

First Sunday of Advent 2021

Published on November 27, 2021
There is an old Irish legend, about a King and a Queen who went to war with each other.  The Queen was Queen Maeve of Connacht, and the King was: King […]

Christ the King

Published on November 20, 2021
There is an old Irish legend that goes back to the time when kings ruled Ireland. It seems that the reigning king had no children to succeed him on the […]