24th. Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

In  the 1880’s in the USA, two scientists were working with electricity,  they were both on a voyage of great discovery. One was inventing direct current, his name was Thomas Edison, he developed many devices in fields such as electirc power generation, we remember him as the inventor of the light bulb.  The other was Nikola Tesla, who was born in Serbia and later moved to the USA;  he was an engineer a futurist and inventor. He is known for his contribution  to the design of the modern alternating current electricity supply system, and his name is assosciated with the electric cars in today’s world. Both had come up with great inventions for the way we live our lives. Their rivlary of who was the greatest, dominated the scene for years.  Rivalry comes up everywhere,  in litterature, in politics, in sport,  in science, even in the family. Rivalry can be very healthy, because it can help us to bring out the best in ourselves.  But it can also move us to forget what is really important in life. Today we find rivalry even among the apostles. They  had been with Jesus now for some time,  they had left everything to follow him.  They have heard his parables and seen his miracles.  We would think, that they should have learnt something. In the gospel today we find  them arguing among themselves, about who is the greater.  The first thing that stikes is that the apostles are not special they are human, like all of us. The second thing we learn is the reaction of Jesus.  He teaches them that the one who is greater is the one who serves.  And he will give the great example at the last supper, he will kneel and wash their feet, Jesus  is the one who serves.  Even as we admit healthy rivalry in our lives,  let us never forget,  that the real victory belongs to the one who serves.